
Azure Kubernetes Cluster: Quick deployment guide


Kubernetes is an open source solution for automating the deployment and dynamic scaling of containerized online applications. Google created Kubernetes at the beginning, drawing inspiration from its ten years of expertise using application-oriented APIs to run scalable, dependable systems in containers. A platform called Kubernetes, which is quickly expanding, is used to manage container-based applications and the networking and storage parts that go with it. Kubernetes concentrates on the workloads of the applications rather than the underlying infrastructure parts. With the support of a comprehensive set of APIs for administration activities, Kubernetes offers a declarative approach to deployments. By using Kubernetes to orchestrate and manage the availability of the application components, you can create and run contemporary, portable, microservices-based applications. As teams embrace microservices-based systems, Kubernetes supports both stateless and stateful apps. As an open platform, Kubernetes enables you to create applications using the OS, libraries, programming language, and message bus of your choice. Kubernetes can be integrated with existing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) systems to schedule and deploy releases.


Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) offers a managed Kubernetes solution that makes basic administration chores like upgrade coordination and deployment less complicated. You only pay for the AKS nodes that support your apps; the Azure platform administers the AKS control plane.


You can easily install and manage clusters with AKS, a managed Kubernetes service. The steps to create an AKS cluster are explained in this blog:

Steps to create an AKS cluster

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Go to Homepage and select Create a resource.
  3. Select ContainersKubernetes Service.
  4. On the Basics page, configure the following options

Project details:

  • Go to Azure Subscription.
  • Create Azure Resource group, such as Resource Group.

Cluster details:

  • Make sure that the Preset configuration is Standard ($$).
  • Give the Kubernetes cluster name, such as myKubCluster.
  • Pick Region for the AKS cluster, and leave the default value selected for Kubernetes version.
  • Give 5%for API server availability.

 Primary node pool:

  • Leave the default values selected.


5.Select Next: Node pools when complete.

6.Put the default Node pools options and then navigate to Next: Access

7.On the Access page, configure the following options:

8.Set the default value for Resource identity as System-assigned managed identity.

  • The Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) option is the default value to provide more fine-grained control over access to the Kubernetes resources deployed in your AKS cluster..

9.Go to the Review + create tab and click it. Azure runs a validation check on the settings. Create the AKS cluster by selecting Create after passing the validation check. If validation fails, then it indicates which settings need to be modified.

10.AKS cluster creation will take a few minutes. When your deployment is complete, navigate to your resource by either: Selecting Go to resource, or Browsing to the AKS cluster resource group and selecting the AKS resource. In this example you browse for  Resource Group and select the resource myKubCluster.

Connect to the cluster

kubectl which is a command-line client should be used to manage a Kubernetes cluster.  Azure Cloud Shell provides kubectl.

1.Open Cloud Shell using the >_ button on the top of the Azure portal.


2.Configure kubectl to connect to your Kubernetes cluster using the az aks get-credentials command. The command used to implement the task is given below.

az aks get-credentials –resource-group myResourceGroup –name myAKSCluster

3.Check the connection to your cluster using kubectl using command below

kubectl get nodes



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